
The Propaganda to Justify the Killing of Innocent.


The Propaganda to Justify the Killing of Innocent.

In response to the wishes expressed by our readers and their requests, we have carried out this special translation of articles from the Arabic language into English.We’ve also provided all the necessary updates.

(This text is a translation of the article published on October 18th, titled’’البروباغندا من أجل تبرير قتل الأبرياء’’)

"The main article is authored by Malik Zaghdoudi, a journalist and a researcher in philosophy who has written numerous articles on artistic, social movements, and youth-related issues, including topics like Ultras groups and artistic movements. He has a keen interest in literature, cinema, and youth matters."

The article is translated into English by Bchainia Wided

Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, is famously quoted as saying, "Tell a lie that's big enough, and repeat it often, and the people will eventually come to believe it." This quote highlights the propagandistic approach employed by the Nazi regime to manipulate public perception.

The false statement that "Hamas slaughters Israeli children" rapidly spread across media outlets with a pro-Israeli bias and on various social media platforms. However, it was later revealed that the claim was fabricated.

Interestingly, the same misleading statement also came from the most powerful person in the world, the one who possesses the nuclear button, the leader of'' the free world'', and the individual expected to have the most accurate and exclusive information – the President of the United States, Joe Biden. The White House subsequently issued a statement in which it apologized for the dissemination of false information. This episode highlights the importance of verifying and fact-checking information in today's media landscape, even at the highest levels of government.

Is the conflicting information intended to obscure the truth?

A civilian hospital in Gaza City was bombed, a blatant violation of all international and humanitarian norms and a war crime that resulted in nearly a thousand casualties, including fatalities and injuries.

This war crime is a stark reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust and barbaric pre-international law warfare, but it seems that little has changed. International law and human rights appear to serve the interests of the powerful, with Western human rights advocates seemingly endorsing the killing of women, children, infants, and innocents, and supporting the bombing of hospitals, schools, and ambulances.

Just as a portion of the Western world remained silent about the atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jews during the Holocaust, today, the Western world, through some of its major powers, applauds and contributes to the modern-day catastrophe – one of the gravest crimes of this century – against Palestinian civilians.

A Brief Overview of the History of Propaganda.

The deliberate spread of false or misleading information, often referred to as propaganda, aims to influence public opinion and beliefs by presenting selective, distorted, or out-of-context information. Its primary goal is to sway emotions rather than appeal to reason and is typically used to alter the truth in favor of the propagandist's narrative, often for political, economic, religious, or military purposes.

Totalitarian regimes throughout history have employed propaganda through various media, adapting to the available technological resources of their times, including newspapers, posters, radio, cinema, television, and, more recently, social media. The emergence of deepfake technology underscores and highlights  the evolving sophistication of this manipulation, where images and videos are manipulated, and voices are altered through artificial intelligence.

Even democratic and free nations have engaged in propaganda to market their ideas and ideologies. "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media," a book by three authors, Serge Halimi, Dominique Vidal, and Henri Malro, discusses the issue in-depth, highlighting how globalized media outlets are often influenced by corporate agendas. In many instances, this type of media has deviated away from objective reporting, frequently distorting the truth, treating victims and offenders as equals, and reflecting a biased perspective.

The ongoing situation in Gaza serves as a vivid example, where victims are falsely burdened with charges of racism, barbarity, and crimes committed by the aggressor. This is accomplished through double-dealing propaganda, which claims that Hamas was responsible for the bombing of a hospital in Gaza, an assertion that defies common sense.

Facts Unmask Propaganda.

The global human rights system, international laws, rules of war, and guidelines for civilian protection, especially children, hospitals, and all others in conflict zones, seem to have been selectively enforced or ignored. This has led to a concerning silence and Western endorsement of the atrocities committed in Palestine.

The lack of response to the proposed ceasefire and the endorsement of the crimes against children and civilians in Gaza have raised questions about the philosophy of the free world and Western democracy in the face of the ongoing massacres.

Unfortunately, Western human rights lexicons have excluded Arab rights or the rights of those different from them. This war has exposed the fallacy of the universal and inclusive principles of human rights. The truth remains that lies and collusion with the oppressor have become the order of the day. The sole Western standard appears to be unequivocal support for the killing of children in occupied Palestine.